MBTek has opened up the field of mobile communications,
reliable data distribution channels and cutting-edge technologies devices and
solutions for all business sectors. As specialists in mobile, emerging IT,
telecommunication and electronic marketing, security, outsourcing and
consulting industries, we offer our customers innovative and reliable products
and solutions. We have been providing services and tools to utilize all the
current and future available bleeding-edge technologies to enlighten your
MBTek was founded in 2005, headquartered in Germany with
envision of being every corner of the world where we are in need as a technical
services and solutions company.
Management Team
Mr. Young Cho, MSSE, MSTSM
President and CEO
Mr. Cho has held leading positions in a variety of
real/just-in-time Audiovisual and Data warehouse, computer, telecoms,
networking, and mobile-based companies throughout Europe, Korea, and USA during
his career. Therefore, his blend of expertise in the IT & mobile industry, technology
evolution, and senior management experiences have given MBTek the strategic
direction that will propel it as a truly next-generation IT & Mobile.
Mr. Cho holds Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Master
of Science in Telecommunications and Systems Management, and Master of Science
in Software Engineering degrees.
Mr. MohannadDarwish
General Manager and CTO, Middle East
Darwish brings a range of technical experties including software, platform
architecture, and network design within IT and mobile industries that he has
developed throughout senior level positions in the Middle East. He's range of
expertise in IT & mobile industry and senior management experiences have
given foundation of MBTek and will lead foremost advanced technical future.